Brontë Birthplace

The Campaign

We believe that this campaign presents a unique opportunity to preserve and celebrate this important part of our history. That’s why we’re excited to introduce the opportunity to invest in community shares for the Brontë Birthplace restoration project.

Why Join Us?

Heritage and Cultural Preservation

The community ownership of the Brontë Birthplace aims to save and celebrate our heritage while organising social and cultural events that attract diverse audiences. It promotes the rich cultural legacy of the Brontë family and celebrates Bradford as a City of Culture.

Economic Growth and Development

The community-owned Brontë Birthplace will contribute to increased economic prosperity as it attracts local, national and international visitors. A café and the opportunity to stay overnight will aid the development of Thornton and support economic growth, aligning with the government’s “levelling up” agenda.

Community Engagement

By preserving the Brontë Birthplace the community and the city of Bradford will foster a sense of pride and engagement with the Brontës, while providing educational resources, events and exhibitions. This enables the community to actively participate in preserving and promoting the historical and literary significance of the building and the Brontë family.

The Advantages

Save and celebrate our heritage

Social and cultural events to attract diverse audiences.

Celebrates Bradford City of Culture

Increased economic outcomes from tourism and Market Street development

Supports government “levelling up” agenda

How to get involved?

• Donate to the Brontë campaign

• Volunteer to support the campaign

• Organise/attend fundraising events